Doctor of Peace and Conflict Studies, UPEACE Headquarters
Listed by graduation order:
Mihir Kanade (India). Dissertation title: “The Multilateral Trading System and Human Rights: A Governance Space Theory on Linkages”
Lucio Sarandrea (Italy). Dissertation title: “Improving Rule of Law Assistance Projects in Transitional Countries. Towards a New Model of International Assistance Based on Practitioners’ Experiences”
Wyclife Ong’eta Mose (Kenya). Dissertation title: “Violent Conflict and Development in West Pokot County, Kenya”
Dramame Ouattara (Cote d’Ivoire). Dissertation title: “Electoral Systems Engineering and Political Reconciliation in Africa: Lessons from South Africa and Cote d’Ivoire”
Mariateresa Garrido V. (Venezuela). Dissertation title: “The Right to Freedom of Expression in the Digital Era. Limitations v. Protection in the Case of Venezuelan Citizen Journalists”
Carl Lawson (United States). Dissertation title: “Peace Is Not the Word to Play – An Examination of Hip-Hop as a Peace Movement and Instrument for Peace & Social Justice”
Jana Lozanoska (Macedonia). Dissertation title: “Hannah Arendt’s Political Theory: As Rethinking of Human Rights with Human Dignity as Their Basis”
Kabiito Bendicto (Uganda). Dissertation title: “Culture, Resources, and the Gun in the Violent-Conflict Causation: Understanding the Karamoja Conflict”
Dinoo Mathew (India). Dissertation title: “Inclusive Peace, Gender Equity, and Political Parties: Formation of Peace in Kerala (1950 – 2010)”
Britney Villhauer (United States). Dissertation title: “Critical Indigenous Approaches to the Decolonization of Environmental Management through REDD+ in the Bribri Territory of KéköLdi, Costa Rica: Creating Positive Peace”
Natacha John (United Kingdom). Dissertation title: “The Humanitarian Witness: Introducing the Human Rights-Based Needs Assessment Through the Lens of the Syrian Crisis (2011-2014)”
Jan Breitling (Germany). Dissertation title: “The Political Ecology of Forest Cover Change: Costa Rica’s Forest Transition Revisited”
Mumbua Simon (Kenya). Dissertation title: “The Confluence of Ideas in Catholic Social Teaching Tenets and Theory/Practice of Peace Education in the Catholic University of East Africa, Kenya: Signs, Prospects and Implications”
Fereschta Sahrai (Germany). Dissertation title: “Just Inclusive Peace Processes?! Transcending Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches for Sustainable Peace in Afghanistan”
Nichole Faith Mc Veigh (United States). Dissertation topic: “Building Peace through Communication in an English as an Additional Language Classroom: Action Research through an Intersectional Lens at a Higher Education Institution”
Pratyush Sharma, (India). Dissertation topic: “Theorizing South-South Cooperation through the Normative Lens of Right to Development: A case study of India’s South-South Cooperation”
Stacy Estrada (USA). Dissertation topic: “Community Leadership and Self-Perception: Testimonios From First-Generation Latinas in the Eastern Coachella Valley”
Fichanfie DJ Nkwain Ngamfon (Cameroon). Dissertation topic: “Analyzing Mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Method in the Bakassi Conflict”
Felipe Zalamea (Colombia) Dissertation topic: “Access to Finance for Community-based Tourism Enterprises in Costa Rica”
Doctor of Philosophy with Specialization in Peace, Governance and Development, African Regional Programme
Mohamed Farah Hersi. Dissertation title: “The Political Economy of Regional Integration in the Horn of Africa: The Role of IGAD (1986-2019)”
Nasir Mohamed Ali. Dissertation title: “The Implications of State Fragility on Migration in Somaliland: 1991 to 2017″
Mohamed A. Mohamoud (Barawani). Dissertation title: “Understanding the Interplay of Three Trajectories: Democracy, Clan, and Islam in the State-Building Process of Somaliland”
Abdullahi Odowa. Dissertation title: “Negotiating Security Governance in Galkayo, Somalia”
Mohamed Osman Mohamoud. Dissertation title: “An Analysis of Somalia’s Post Conflict State Building Process and Narrative of Youth Alienation”
Ridwaan Hassan Abdi. Dissertation title: “An Analysis of the International Community’s Localization Agenda in Aid Delivery in Somalia”
Mohamed Aden Jimale. Dissertation title: “Terror Attacks and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Somalia”
Hassan Abdullahi Dahie. Dissertation title: “An Analysis of the Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare Service Delivery in Somalia”
Abdullahi Ali Hayle. Dissertation title: “An Analysis of Somalia’s Health System and its implications for Sustainable Health Governance”
Jamaludin Mustafa Omar. Dissertation title: “The Interplay Between Electoral and Non- Electoral Factors in Somalia’s Elections: Implications on Continuity”
Hamdi Ismail Abdullahi. Dissertation title: “An Appraisal of Legal and Policy Framework of Somaliland Plural Justice System”
Barkhard Kaariye. Dissertation title: “Somaliland’s Indigenous Post-Conflict Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Approach: Challenges and Experiences”
Mohamed Abukar Islow. Dissertation title: “An Analysis of Security Governance in Post-Conflict Somalia: Prospects and Challenges”
Fardowsa Ahmed Gambol. Dissertation title: “An Assessment of Youth Participation in the Peacebuilding Process in Galkacyo, Somalia”
Abdirizak Omar Mohamed. Dissertation title: “Evaluating the Challenges to Post-conflict Peace and State-Building in Somalia”
Abdirahman Mohamed Ali (Adle). Dissertation title: “Managing Migration Through Visa Processes: The Impact of Business Visas on Foreign Investment and Employment in Somalia”
Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Dissertation title: “Examining the Challenges of Clan Politics in State Building: A Case Study of Somalia”
Hussein Sheikh Mohamoud. Dissertation title: “An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Somalia: Implications for Good Governance”
Sied Muhumed Jibril. Dissertation title: “Exploring the Security and Socio-Economic Development Nexus in Somaliland: 1991-2018”
Hassan Abdi Abdulahi. Dissertation title: “Managing Cross Border Security in the Horn of Africa: The Case of Ethiopia-Somaliland Border”
Paul Mondoa Ngomba. Dissertation topic: “Challenges and Prospects toward Democracy in Post-Colonial African State(s)”