Desarrollo Estudiantil
Women on the Move aims to reach several goals. It will set up an online repository of primary sources and register of monuments on female migration that will be available to researchers worldwide. The network also plans to organize exhibitions (indoor, outdoor and virtual) as well as touristic walking tours on the theme of female migration. Book series are being launched and the account of unknown success stories of female migrant workers will be published. Finally, the network will shoot documentaries based on female migrant interviews.
To recover gender issues traditionally erased in migration narratives, Women on the Move aims to unveil the presence and active participation of women migrants in the construction of Europe by showing to the public not only the constraints that women have to face in migration, but also their resources, power and agency. This will contradict macro-narratives on the vulnerability of women migrants, sometimes perceived as economic burdens in the welcoming societies. We hope to raise awareness on the active participation of women migrants in the economic construction of receiving nations, as successful workers. The results of our project should raise the quality of current debates on migration and unveil the presence of invisible migrants.
For more information, click here.