UPEACE Emegency Number / Número de emergencias UPAZ
In case of an emergency, please contact (506) 8791-4931.
En caso de emergencia, favor comunicarse al teléfono (506) 8791-4931.
Regular Students
Haga clic abajo para ver la versión completa de la tarjeta en PDF. Le recomendamos que la imprimas, rellenes los datos de tu seguro y la lleves contigo.
APS Programme Students
Bridge Insurance Claim Form-APS Studies
If there is any type of emergency here are the numbers to call:
Police Department / Policía: 117
Fire brigades and rescue teams / Bomberos y equipos de rescate: 118
Rural Police / Guardia Rural: 127
Red Cross / Cruz Roja: 128
Traffic Police / Policía de Tránsito: 222-9330, 222-9245. This is who you call in case of a car accident or stolen vehicle.
You must take into account that if there is an emergency, it is a good a idea to keep in contact with your country’s embassy in Costa Rica. See a list of all foreign embassies and consulates here.
Emergency contact information for U.S. Citizens
Telephone: (506) 2519-2000 or | From the U.S.: 011-506-2519-2000
Consular fax: (506) 2220-2455 | From the U.S.: 011-506-2519-2455
Email address: ACSSanJose@state.gov
Website: https://cr.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/emergency-contact/