Dr. Mihir Kanade (India) is the Academic Coordinator of the University for Peace, the Head of its Department of International Law, and the Director of the UPEACE Human Rights Centre. Dr. Kanade also serves as the academic co-coordinator of the LLM programme in Transnational Crime and Justice and the LLM programme in Cybercrime, Cybersecurity and International Law offered jointly with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Turin, Italy. He is also the co-coordinator of the MA in International Law and Diplomacy, and the MA in International Law and the Settlement of Disputes, offered jointly with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Dr. Kanade currently serves as an independent expert of the United Nations Human Rights Council as a member of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development representing the Asia-Pacific region. He chaired the drafting group of international experts appointed by the United Nations for elaborating the “Draft International Covenant on the Right to Development” currently before the UN General Assembly for its consideration and adoption. Dr. Kanade co-leads an e-learning project of UPEACE in partnership with the OHCHR for training UN staff, diplomats of permanent missions of States, staff of NGOs and academics on operationalizing the Right to Development in Implementation of the SDGs. He also delivers an online workshop on Mainstreaming the Right to Development in Voluntary National Review Reporting for Realizing SDGs, as part of the joint project between UPEACE and OHCHR. He has served on the International Advisory Board of the International Bar Association on the topic of Business and Human Rights. He has taught as a visiting faculty at several universities around the world including Universidad de Los Andes (Bogota, Colombia), Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar, Senegal), Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (Madrid, Spain), Centre for Human Rights of the Pretoria University (Pretoria, South Africa) and Long Island University (United States). He is a member of the Editorial Board of several journals such as the ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, and Ambedkar Path International Research Journal. His principal area of academic research and study is the interface between governance, public international law, human rights, and development, covering several themes including trade, business and investment, sustainable development, forced displacement of people, indigenous peoples’ rights, public health, amongst others. Prior to academia, Dr. Kanade practiced for six years as a lawyer at the Bombay High Court (Nagpur and Bombay benches) and at the Supreme Court of India. He holds an LL.B. from Nagpur University (India) and a Master degree and Doctorate from UPEACE.
Areas of Interest
- Human Rights protection of vulnerable groups and persons
- International Economic Law
- Sustainable Development/SDGs/2030 Agenda
- Governance/Global Governance/Good Governance
- International Law and the Global and Regional Peace and Security Architecture
General Areas of Academic Work: Public International Law, International Human Rights Law, Sustainable Development
Specific Areas of Academic Work: The Right to Development, Development Cooperation, Globalization and Human Rights, Global Governance, International Law on the Use of Force, International Economic Law (trade and investment), Business and Human Rights, International Solidarity, Corporate Social Responsibility, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Protection of Refugees, Protection of Stateless Persons, Health and Human Rights, Human Rights Impact Assessments, Decolonizing international law/human rights.
Selected List of Publications
- Ibhawoh, Bonny and Kanade, Mihir. 2024. “Individual and Collective Dimensions of the Right to Development”, Thematic Study of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development, available at https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/ongoing-studies/individual-and-collective-dimensions-right-development-thematic-study.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2024. The Right to International Solidarity and the Right to Development in Cecilia Baillet ed. “Research Handbook on International Solidarity and the Law”, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, p.122.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2023. “Commentaries to the Draft International Covenant on the Right to Development”, Submitted to the UN Human Rights Council, Report by the Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on the Right to Development, A/HRC/54/50/Add.1, 4 September 2023.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2021. “Operationalizing the Right to Development in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals”, Thematic Study of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development, A/HRC/48/63, available at https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/studies/ahrc4863-operationalizing-right-development-achieving-sustainable-development
- Mihir Kanade. 2021. “From Means of Implementation to Implementation of Means: Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals as if they Matter”, Fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals: On a Quest for a Sustainable World, New York: Routledge, pp. 449-464.
- Kanade, Mihir and Puvimanasinghe, Shyami. 2021. “Operationalizing the Right to Development: Realizing Global Solidarity, Shared Responsibility and the Duty of International Cooperation in the Fight Against COVID-19”, in Kanade and Puvimanasinghe (eds.) Operationalizing the Right to Development for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva: United Nations, Chapter 15, available at https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Development/chapter-15-shyami-puvimanasinghe-and-mihir-kanade-rtd-global-solidarity-shared-responsibility_-covid-19.pdf.
- Kanade, M. (2021). Review of “World Peace Through Law: Replacing War with the Global Rule of Law, by J. T. Ranney”. European Review of International Studies, 8(1), 118–125. https://www.jstor.org/stable/27142350
- Kanade, Mihir. 2020. “Towards a Legally Binding Instrument on the Right to Development”. Ideas for Peace, Series No. 15, University for Peace.
- Kanade, Mihir. September 2019. “Role of International Adjudication in Conflict Resolution and Transformation” in Francisco Rojas (ed.) The Difficult Task of Peace: Crisis, Fragility & Conflict in an Uncertain World, Palgrave McMillan, pp.131-170.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2019. “Don’t Ask Me Who I Am: The Deaf Ear and the Blind Eye of Maritime Law on Disembarkation of Refugees and Asylum-Seekers Rescued at Sea”, 16 ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, pp.1-42, available also at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3537811
- Kanade, Mihir. 2018. The Multilateral Trading System and Human Rights: A Governance Space Theory on Linkages, London and New Delhi: Routledge.
- Kanade, Mihir and Puvimanasinghe, Shyami (eds.). 2018. Operationalizing the Right to Development for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva: United Nations, available at https://www.ohchr.org/en/training-materials-online-course-right-development-and-sustainable-development-goals
- Whelan, Daniel; Kanade, Mihir; and Puvimanasinghe Shyami. 2018. “The Right to Development: Origins, History and Institutional Development”, in Kanade and Puvimanasinghe (eds.) Operationalizing the Right to Development for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva: United Nations, Chapter 1, available at https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Development/chapter-1-whelan-kanade-and-puvimanasinghe-history-and-evolution-of-the-rtd.pdf.
- Kanade, Mihir, 2018. “The Right to Development Framework for Sustaining Peace and Sustainable Development”, in Kanade and Puvimanasinghe (eds.) Operationalizing the Right to Development for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva: United Nations, Chapter 10, available at https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Development/chapter-10-mihir-kanade-rtd-sustaining-peace-and-sustainable-development.pdf.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2018. “The Right to Development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, in Kanade and Puvimanasinghe (eds.) Operationalizing the Right to Development for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva: United Nations, Chapter 3, available at https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Development/chapter-3-mihir-kanade-rtd-and-the-sdgs.pdf.
- Sainz-Borgo, J.C.; Gudmundsdottir, H; Gudmundsdottir, G; Amaya-Castro, J; Kanade, M; Saab, Y; and Sipalla, H. 2017. Liber Amicorum: In Honour of a Modern Renaissance Man – His Excellency Gudmundur Eiriksson, Ciudad Colon and Sonipat: UPEACE Press and O.P. Jindal Global University.
- Kanade, Mihir, 2017. “Technology and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Right to Development Approach”, in Mariateresa Garrido (ed.) Human Rights and Technology: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Ciudad Colon: UPEACE Press, Chapter 1, pp. 7–30.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2016. ‘Chronicles of the Doha Wars: The battle of Nairobi – Appraisal of the Tenth WTO Ministerial’, Strathmore Law Journal, 2(1): 155–164.
- UPEACE. 2015. “Manual de Buenas Practicas: Construyendo Capacidades para la integración de los derechos humanos en la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Controamerica”, Developed and drafted by Mihir Kanade.
- UPEACE. 2015. “Guia de Formación de Formadores: Construyendo Capacidades para la integración de los derechos humanos en la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Controamerica”. Developed and drafted by Mihir Kanade.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2014. ‘UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Presenting the Problem as the Solution’, in Laura Westra and Mirian Villela (eds), The Earth Charter, Ecological Integrity, and Social Movements, pp. 39–49. New York: Routledge.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2012. ‘Human Rights and Multilateral Trade: A Pragmatic Approach to Understanding the Linkages’, Journal Jurisprudence 15(1):389–418.
Selected Presentations at International Conferences
- Kanade, Mihir. 2024. “The Linkages between Right to Development and Civil and Political Rights”, Working Group on the Right to Development, UN Human Rights Council.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2024. “Realizing the Right to Development through North-South, South-South, Triangular, and other sui generis forms of international cooperation: Exploring complementarities and good practices”, Panel at the 9th Session of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2024. “Protecting the rights of minorities: A practical guide for developing a comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation”. Moderated panel to launch the Guide developed under the auspices of the OHCHR, held at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2023. “Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Development”, Inter-Sessional Meeting of the UN Expert Mechanism on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, UPEACE Campus, Costa Rica.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2023. “Accelerating progress on Sustainable Development Goals and human rights through the paradigm of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’”, Panel discussion at the UN Human Rights Council.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2023. “Sustainable Development and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”. Panel discussion at the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2023. “The impact of unilateral coercive measures and overcompliance on the right to development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”, Biennial panel discussion on unilateral coercive measures and human rights, 54th session of the Human Rights Council.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2023. “The Contribution of STI to the Promotion of Human Rights in the Context of the Post-Pandemic Recovery”, Moderator of Panel at the United Nations Social Forum.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2022. “Statement at the High Level Political Forum on Global Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic” as Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development, UN General Assembly, New York.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2022. “Contribution of Development to Human Rights”, Organized by OHCHR and hosted at UPEACE. Moderated one Panel and presented in two panel discussions.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2022. Keynote Speech, “International Diplomacy: Evolving Dynamics in the 21st Century”, Frank Church Symposium 2022, Idaho State University, United States.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2022. “Demystifying the Right to Development”, Biennial Panel on the Right to Development, 51st session of the Human Rights Council.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2022. “The negative impact of the legacies of colonialism on the enjoyment of human rights”, Panel Discussion at the 51st session of the Human Rights Council.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2021. “Promoting economic, social, cultural and environmental rights. Implications for development, sustainability and peace during COVID-19”, Hernán Santa Cruz Dialogue, UPEACE and OHCHR.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2019. “The Formulation of the Right to Development and the Nature of Obligations of State Parties to a Legally Binding Instrument on the Right to Development”, 20th Session of the UN Open-Ended Inter-Governmental Working Group on the Right to Development, Available at https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Development/Pages/PresentationsLBI20Session.aspx
- Kanade, Mihir. 2017. ‘Judicial Instruments in Conflict Resolution’. Presentation made at the conference ‘Global Perspectives on Conflict Resolution: Emerging Conflicts and Rethinking Innovative Solutions’, San Jose, Costa Rica, University for Peace, 21 September.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2017. ‘United Nations and Contemporary Challenges’. Lecture delivered to the Sri Lankan Army on the occasion of their Annual Training Day, Colombo, 12 June.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2016. ‘Advancing Peace, Rights and Well-being: A Right to Development Approach to SDGs as the Way Forward’. Speech delivered at the event ‘In Search of Dignity and Sustainable Development for All’, Geneva, United Nations, 29 February.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2016. ‘Multilateral Trade and Human Rights: A Governance Space Theory on Linages’. Presentation made at the World Trade Organization at the WTO’s LAD Speaker Series, Geneva, United Nations, 1 March.
- Kanade, Mihir. 2016. ‘Operationalizing the Right to Development for Implementing the SDGs’. Presentation made at the 32nd session of the UN Human Rights Council at the event ‘Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Right to Development’, Geneva, United Nations, 15 June.