Department Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies
Academic Coordinator, M.A. in Gender and Peacebuilding
Academic Coordinator, M.A. in Gender and Development
Academic Coordinator, M.A. in Religion, Culture, and Peace Studies

Dr. Uzma Rashid (Pakistan) currently serves as Associate Professor, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University for Peace, Costa Rica. Prior to joining UPEACE, she worked as Chair at the Department of Sociology, and Associate Dean for Research of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. Dr. Rashid has done her PhD as a Fulbright scholar from the interdisciplinary Language, Literacy, and Culture programme at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, and has extensive teaching and research experience in a variety of contexts.

Her current research interests lie at the intersections of gender, religion, race, ethnicity, and class, in particular focusing on intersectionality and inclusivity in peacebuilding efforts.  

Areas of Interest

  • Gender, inequalities and marginalization
  • Religion intolerance, and peace-building in religiously sensitive contexts
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Intersections of identities
  • Transnational identities

Recent Publications

  • Rashid, U. (Ed.). (2021). The journey to gender equality: Mapping the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Published with the support of University for Peace, GWLVoices, and la Secretaria General Ibero-Americana (SEGIB).
  • Shamim, F. & Rashid, U. (2019). The English-Urdu medium divide in Pakistan: Consequences for learner identity and future life chances. Journal of education and educational development, 6 (1), 43-61.
  • Haq, I. and Rashid, U. (2018). Masculinities: Tracing the trajectories of gender performance in war poetry. Masculinities and social change, 7 (2), 110-123. 
  • Rashid, U. (2017). Muslim women: The challenges and politics of diversity within American Muslim community. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 37 (4), 1-15. 
  • Rashid, U. (2017). Unpacking xenophobia towards the ‘other’ in Pakistan, Paper presentation at the International Conference on Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion, BUITEMS, Quetta, Pakistan, in collaboration with UNHCR.
  • Rashid, U. (2015). Exploring the intersection of race, religion, and gender in the lives of young American Muslim women’. Paper presentation at the 8 th Annual Religions in Conversation Conference, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, USA.
  • Rashid, U. (2015). American Muslim women: Understanding the politics of diversity within and outside. Paper presentation at the 44th Annual meeting of the Society for Cross-cultural Research, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
  • Abdul Rashid, Y., Rashid, U. et. al. (2012). Psychosocial impact of cancer on adult patients. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 62 (9), pp. 905-909.  
  • Shamim, F, & Rashid, U. (2009). First Destinations: Trends and skills for employment of English graduates in Pakistan. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 49 (1), 39-64. Karachi: University of Karachi.  
  • Shamim, F., Rashid, U., Khurram, B., Muslim, S. and Qayyum, R. (2008). Building a community of practice for implementing curriculum change in difficult circumstances. Proceedings of the conference on English in the developing world organized by NED University, Karachi, Pakistan.   
  • Reviewer for The Sociological Quarterly; International conference on Social Sciences; UMT Education Review; Journal of Islamic thought and civilization.
Directora de Departamento y Profesora Asociada, Departamento de Estudios de Paz y Conflicto
Coordinadora Académica, Máster en Género y Consolidación de la Paz
Coordinadora Académica, Máster en Género y Desarrollo
Coordinador Académico, Máster en Estudios sobre Religión, Cultura y Paz

La Dra. Uzma Rashid (Pakistán) es actualmente Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Estudios sobre la Paz y los Conflictos de la Universidad para la Paz de Costa Rica. Antes de incorporarse a UPEACE, trabajó como Catedrática del Departamento de Sociología y Decana Asociada de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad de Gestión y Tecnología de Lahore, Pakistán. La Dra. Rashid se doctoró como becaria Fulbright en el programa interdisciplinar de Lengua, Alfabetización y Cultura de la Universidad de Maryland, Baltimore County, EE.UU., y cuenta con una amplia experiencia docente e investigadora en diversos contextos.

Sus intereses de investigación actuales se centran en las intersecciones de género, religión, raza, etnia y clase, y en particular en la interseccionalidad y la inclusividad en los esfuerzos de consolidación de la paz.  

Áreas de Interés

  • Género, desigualdades y marginación
  • Intolerancia religiosa y consolidación de la paz en contextos sensibles desde el punto de vista religioso
  • Raza y etnia
  • Intersecciones de identidades
  • Identidades transnacionales